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Branding, Branding, BRANDING!

Let's talk about branding, again. I know, I know. What's the big deal, right?




If you are a business owner, whether small or large - it is a huge deal! Your presence on social media can make or break your traction, audience engagement, reputation, and so much more. What is a brand without a face? Just another company.

Brands focus on photographing their products and talking about their services, right? Of course, because that is how you sell and make money, honey! Ultimately, you are your company’s greatest asset. Your passion, your vision, and your drive made it a reality. Am I right or am I right?! You work hard every day to provide your clients and customers with quality services and products that people love and trust. Your current and prospective clients and customers deserve to see the force behind that. More than this, people want to know who is behind your brand.

Faceless brands are impersonal and a turn off.

I recommend a yearly branding session, at the very least. Stop what you are doing and think back to a year ago. I bet a lot has changed right? It's important to keep your brand fresh and relevant to the current times.


Now, let me put a little twist on all this. Not only is it important to the success of your business, but a branding session should also be a reward to you; yes, I said reward. Gone are the days of stuffy headshots against a solid color backdrop, in a business suit, arms folded and looking stiff. The best way to describe a branding session with me is easy like Sunday mornin'. (Did you just sing that?) What I'm saying is that when you walk into my studio, I want you to feel like you're on a daycation. Check out of reality for a bit, get pampered with hair + makeup, while we chat about your brand and what drives your passion. Allow me to capture you; the you that works hard to run a successful business.


Invest in your brand, invest in yourself!


If I've got your wheels turning, visit my website for more details about what to expect and what's included in a BDP branding session and let's talk!

Love & Light,


The Candid Beauty

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